Doom Armour Calculator

Efficient Hit Point Calculation

Doom Armour App

For one of my VR projects I needed an efficient way to calculate the amount of hit points removed from both your health total, and if you have any, your armour total. Points should be removed from the armour amount first, and then the health. So if you have 100 health, 20 Armour, and a hit point is worth 30, you should be left with 90 health and 0 armour.

The page is responsive & was created using pure HTML, CSS & JavaScript. You can try it our here.

You can see the full code over on GitHub.

Weather App

API Connected weather App

Weather App

Here we are grabbing the weather results from the user selected area and as well as returning the weather, we're also offering advice on the appropriate atire (which changes depending on the tempturature).

We're making use of the openweathermap.org API to return these results.

You can see the full code over on GitHub.


Audio Recording Social Media App

Audiogram App

The audio-sharing social-network. The user is limited to 10 seconds recording time and doesn't have the ability to delete their messages. Features secure log-in and the option to post on other users recordings.

This was our final project as part of the Ironhack Berlin Web Dev course. It was built using the following;

React, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap, HTML & CSS

You can see the full code over on GitHub.


Location Based Pet Breeding App

Help your guinea pig to find new friends and breeding partners. This website was built as our second project for the Ironhack Berlin web development bootcamp.

Create a secure account and then tag your location and let other users see your animals details.

It primarily uses the Google Maps API and was built using Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars, MongoDB, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML & CSS

You can see the full code over on GitHub.


Angular TODO List App

This is a classic 'TODO' list app that was created using Angular and using the JSON placeholder API to gather the TODOs.

You can see the full code over on GitHub


Phaser Fun

The game you can't win! Designed to be overly-complicated, you need to decide if the anti-EU headline is true or false by collecting a 'yes' or 'no' tick, all the while balancing public anger and gullibility by collecting pints of beer. Every correct guess spawns an English flag which if you accidentally collect will end the game ("Avoid Nationalism!").

This game was created using the Phaser library and Javascript for the first project of Ironhack Berlin.

You can see the code over on GitHub

VR projects link
Hardware projects link
Web Dev projects link